Windy Day

Report Date: May 18, 2012

Often we have days where you scratch your head and wonder if it is worth it to fish in 20mph NE winds. The problem is all the great spots that you just can't set up on due to the waves. If you go to the opposite side you don't have the waves but you are casting into the wind. Friday was one of those days! We were casting into the wind so I had to get right on the bank and pole. I had Mr. Jenis from Brays and a friend. They threw spinner baits and topwater. The first red came of a beautiful white oystershell point. When she hit a nice 20 fish school boiled up. The wind pushed us off but once we got set back up we landed more. It was a good day with several reds and a lone flounder that made for a nice dinner!!!! Lets go fishing~~~~~~~~~~<><

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Captain Jess Haynes
[email protected]